Life is A Circle...The Earth is Round
have we ever imagine to step out from our house gate..and keep walkingonly in one towards north..and not turning anydirection else..where it will lead us..we may pass through many place.a green green field..into the forest...pass through lakes and oceans..pass through the frozen ice block...and finally..back to a very familiar scene...that is..our home sweet home...why??because the earth is round....
we were born baby..well grown to become man/woman...and finally..we are old enough to face death...and if we believe in reborn...we will someday be born back into the world...that is..LIFE IS A CYCLE....
we have zero knowledge when we are born....catching up knowledgeas we go...and the moment before we are dying..all the knowledgewe had...IS GONE...
we are having a ride on a roller coaster...after 2 rounds..andwe are back to the starting point..we are jobless while we are young...thn old enough to get a joban finally we are back jobless...(retirement)...the point is...the spot that we also the spot that we we will end...thats fact...we are living about in a circle..there is start..end...start again..and again it ends..we hardly find any sequence in the world where things happenin straight start at this point..and end at that point...end of story...ever find where?
that is what we can see to what happening round the world now..
the kidnapped and murdered of a 7 year old child whose body was found stuffed in a luggage reminded us that we are through the cycle again..
war in Afghanistan and Iraq...the corruption that lead to the downslope of Enron...the arresting of politic member for being corrupted...the brutal murder here and there...the killing spree..the violence in south of Thailand...the violence in East Timor...the rape cases that always hit the newspaper..robbery that never stopand even lecturer suggesting misyar marriage...
that is the simple case to signify that we are about "walking" in a circle....
to the history..we were once barbarian...killing here and there..war here and there..Look at the European pass through their Dark Ages...before their Renaissancethe Arab society with its "Zaman kegelapan" China was before they are unite...
well we had the most modern technology nowadays...we had the plane that is faster than the sound wave...we can build a buildingwith up to 100 storey..not on the cave we once live...we now travel on 4 wheels powered by fuel more on wheelspowered by animal power....yes...thats true...we are very much developed..compared to thousands year ago...
but where is our civilisation moral stand nowadays...
have there been zero corrupted official in anyway in the world..
have there been zero case of murder in world in one day..
have there been no rape case at all...
have there no more war...
nope..all these is still happening..there aint no stopping...and even on a sad note...its getting worse..and worse day by day...and yes..our civilisation moral is going back to where it start..from the Dark Age that human has endure before...
that is we are back in circle again..back to where war is a must..back to where murder is here and there...back to a corrupted society...and now we are once again live under a very very dark side of the society.....
that is...LIFE IS ABOUT CIRCLE AND CYCLE....from the low point of civilisation...we sore to a very high point..where peace is...and yet falll back to where the dark side is....
its all about circle...the earth is round...
not till the day that we found out our WORLD IS FLAT....the darkside of the society aint no will be back and back again...the uncivilization manners will still travel in circle...AND WE HUMAN WILL FOREVER WALKING IN A CIRCLE!!
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