there is no losing battle..victory is hard..there is always great fightback..

roman is not built in a day..BUT I WILL BUILD MY ROMAN

My piece of dream

My piece of dream

Friday, December 19, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Not my intention to discontinue the post "The Road Less Traveled", to the fact that I was too tied up with my job --> my new product which going to meet the PRQ next year. Yeah , no choice but only do a short post this round.
Work life had not been as nice as study life, but still ok. Just take it to enjoy the tough life of it as tough can be a sense of enjoyment and challenge too.
Living fine for current time except that I miss "Mr Sun" most of the time and "Mr Moon" had been my biggest admirer. Easy enought to know what I mean by that.
I am still finding my time to finish up my "The Road Less Traveled", perhaps over the next holiday, if I got the mood and again, if I am not too tied up with my jobs.

Just a quick update, I am fine and ok. Living great on earth but most of the time living the greatest in hyperspace. Just have a look on some update on the pic in the blog.

Have a nice day to all the readers..if there is any...and take care ..will be back as frequent as I can.

Pen-ed from PG12 PDC Lab along with my HP, i780 and CMT